Griffith Shaving Goods
Straight Razor Pinning Washers - Original Extra Large "Beehive" Stacked Style Set of 4 - Nickel Silver
These are reproduction extra large "beehive" factory-style washers that duplicate the look of those used on antique Sheffield razors of pre-1850. They are as close to factory originals as you will find. Like the original, large Beehive collars, these washers measure 7.3mm in diameter and 1.8mm in height. The nickel silver collars/washers will come unpolished as seen in the photos. They shine up nicely with little effort by buffing or using metal polish like Flitz. You will also receive small steel under washers that provide additional support for locking the pivot and wedge securely. The washer hole fits a 1/16 inch round rod stock, also sold in our shop.
We have been using these washers in our restorations for years with great success.