Griffith Shaving Goods
NANIWA "Super Stone" 800 GRIT - Japanese Water Sharpening Stone Hone
NANIWA "Super Stone" 800 GRIT:
Excellent for restoring damaged and severely neglected edges, the 800 grit stone is fast cutting and great for removing blade chips, frowns, etc.
Based in Osaka Japan, Naniwa produces some of the absolute finest synthetic water sharpening stones worldwide. Recognized for years by razor honers for their superior quality, longevity and incredible edges, they are also revered for knife sharpening.
Naniwa's "Super Stone" line of resin bonded abrasive hones are "splash & go", meaning they do not need to be soaked in water before use; just add a little water to the surface and get to work! The resin bonded composition also means that they are longer lasting and don't need to be flattened as often.
As with all water stones, the surface should be initially and periodically flattened for sharpening accuracy. The Atoma diamond plates available in our shop do that job very well.
Stone size:
2.75" x 8.25" (70 mm x 210 mm) x 20mm thick